It's incredibly hard to believe that I've already been in Honduras for nine months. This is the halfway point in one of the most amazing journeys I have ever undertaken. A lot has been accomplished since the time I've been here! My parents learned Spanish (Though it's not as good as mine!), I made lots of new friends, I went to two different high schools, and so on. This time of the year is really a good time to reflect on all that has happened so far. The boys are out of school until January, so the time will drag by until they come back. Things get pretty lonely around here, and there's not so many people to talk to! But I know once they come back, the time will be flying by until I come home.
I'm feeling pretty conflicted about coming home. On one hand, yes, I miss all of you and I'm excited to be back. But on the other hand, I'm leaving a country that I've also called home for three years of my life. And that's a big deal. In a perfect world, I would bring everyone I care about here, and we would all be set! I'm sure all of you with the cold weather would be fine living in 80 degree weather year round!
The other big thing I'm thinking about now is college. Only nine more months and I'll be going to college! For those of you that don't know, I've chosen University of Northwestern, St. Paul. It's my dream school, and I don't know if I've ever been this excited for anything! I know God's got His hand in this, and I'm ready to see what He has in store for me at UNW.
Thank you, guys, for all the support I get down here. It's a great feeling to be here and to hear from my friends and family back home. If you ever want to talk to me, drop me a line! I'd love to tell anyone more about what's going on in my life, or how much I still love frozen pizza.