Monday, June 29, 2015

Hitting Homers with my Homies

Ever since I graduated from high school, I've had a lot of free time on my hands. That is, until I found three baseball gloves I had shoved in my suitcase at the last minute when I was packing to come to Honduras.

I started playing catch with some boys during a soccer game a few days later, and the boys were hooked. There were long lines of kids waiting to shove their hand in the worn glove and catch the baseball.

I found myself wishing for more baseball gloves. Oh, how I wished I could get a bunch of these kids on a field with some bats, balls, and gloves! They would love that. Then, I remembered. Wasn't there a missionary here last time who had like 30 baseball gloves? A quick trip to the sports bodega confirmed, it was baseball galore!

After scavenging many pieces of old equipment, I managed to find about 35 gloves, 6 bats, and 30 baseballs. Cones would work as bases, right? They're boys, what do they care about everything being perfect?

Ever since then, I have gone out to the soccer field at 4:15 and converted it into a baseball field for two hours, rain or shine.

After about two weeks, I get a call from the chairman of the LNBH (La Liga Nacional de Beisbol de Honduras). He had heard about our team practicing in Olancho, and wanted us to play a game against one of his professional teams. Next year my team will be inducted into the LNBH. So basically, I now coach a professional baseball team.

The week after, my 2nd baseman hit his first home run. After a quick measure, I found it to be about 550 feet. That's when I knew my team was ready.

My Mom always told me it was almost impossible to become a professional baseball player. I guess you should tell her I made it.

Doing some training on 1st base

Escuela El Sembrador Halcones - 2015