Thursday, January 2, 2014

Come What May

One would think that with only 40+ days left in the United States before I leave, I would feel like my life was ending. With high school, extracurricular activities, and all my friends, I've led a privileged life here in these great American states. But instead of my life ending, it is more accurately a beginning. A beginning of something much more than myself. A beginning of dedicating my next 18 months to the teaching of Christ. On the days when I'm despairing over everything I am going to miss, I remind myself of the hope that is being brought to Honduras. A hope that could make it into a great nation, one that follows the teachings of God and shines the light leading others to Him. These next 18 months will be a whirlwind; but as long as He is in it, come what may.


  1. Amen! You are going to be doing Amazing things there! Keep up the optimism.

  2. This was quite uplifting. Way to be optomistic! Keep your head up! Praying for a safe trip and that you take hold of every opportunity God puts before you with him in mind.
